Active Chapter Membership: Click here for the On-line membership application.
*Membership dues include national and chapter dues. Membership includes special discounts on member services; subscription to The NAWIC IMAGE, the national magazine; special discounts on convention and courses through the NAWIC Education Foundation; listing in the online membership directory; unlimited networking opportunities, voting privileges and more. National dues are prorated the second year based on enroll date.

Corporate Chapter Membership: Click here for the On-line membership application.
* Allows companies to purchase a chapter membership and designate a female employee(s) to be their representative at meetings. Membership benefits are the same as an active chapter membership. National dues are prorated the second year based on enroll date.

Student Chapter Membership: Click here for the On-line membership application.
* Membership benefits are the same as benefits of an active chapter membership except students cannot vote or hold office.


Learn the Facts about the National Association of Women in Construction and share it with others...

How can a NAWIC membership enhance your career in the construction industry?

How can NAWIC membership benefit you, the employer?

val•u•a•ble — 1: having monetary value 2: worth a good price 3: having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities 4: of great use or service 5: NAWIC membership.

All About NAWIC

For more than 55 years, NAWIC has helped women take advantage of the opportunities in construction. Whether you want to embark on a new career, establish a networking base, be a mentor/mentee, make a difference in your community, continue your education, or invest in great friendships, NAWIC offers a variety of opportunities — large and small.

Savvy NAWIC members, business owners and managers can expect value from their investment in NAWIC. NAWIC membership affords many opportunities.

Professional Opportunities

The professional benefits available through NAWIC are endless.
• Industry speakers
• Legislative / legal updates
• Career / job leads
• Mentoring opportunities
• Education of youth and support through scholarships
• Connection with other women in the industry
• Technical / product information
• Community outreach projects
• Liaison with other industry and professional associations

Educational Opportunities

Education is highly valued within NAWIC. Opportunities for your educational advancement include:
• Leadership development
• Association magazine subscription
• Development of management and public speaking skills
• Speakers and seminars at national and regional events
• Employee recruitment
• Marketing / advertising opportunities for your company
• Access to a national and local resource network
• Discounts on goods and services
• Developing and promoting industry values and culture
• Offering exposure to new skills and technology updates
• Promoting professional certifications, coaching and mentoring
• Generating publicity through community service projects
• Building a strong industry by promoting NEF K-12 programs to the future work force
• Assistance in plotting career path

NAWIC Education Foundation (NEF) professional certifications:
- Certified Construction Associate (CCA)
- Construction Document Specialist (CDS)
- Construction Industry Technician (CIT)
. . . and more

Business Opportunities

Profitable business opportunities are available through NAWIC.
• Employee recruitment
• Marketing / advertising opportunities for your company
• Access to a national and local resource network
• Discounts on goods and services

Employer Benefits of NAWIC membership.

NAWIC Meets Employers’ Needs
As an employer, you know you have basic needs that must be met for your business to remain competitive. You must have dedicated,
multi-skilled employees, increased productivity and company recognition. As the premier Association for women working in the construction industry, NAWIC meets employers’ needs by:

• Developing and promoting industry values and culture
• Offering exposure to new skills and technology updates
• Promoting professional certifications, coaching and mentoring
• Generating publicity through community service projects
• Building a strong industry by promoting NEF K-12 programs to the future work force

Investment Dollars & $ense

Monetary benefits of a NAWIC membership.
$1,200  - Industry-specific technical training
$1,500  - Business, management and marketing training
$500 - Legislative updates
$600 - Legal updates
$600 - Networking value at regional conferences
$500 - Mentoring opportunities
$200 - Product knowledge gained at meetings
$200 - Company credibility from association with NAWIC
$200 - Publicity and exposure through participation
$420-520 - ACTUAL COST (National dues, Chapter dues and 1-2 regional conferences per year)
This model was based on the cost of separate fees and tuition for classes and seminars offered through higher-learning institutions and businesses.

Discover the endless opportunities for professional growth waiting for you — Join NAWIC today! To get more membership information sent to you, click here.

Membership Levels
Active Chapter Member
Corporate Chapter Member
Associate Chapter Member
Student Chapter Member
Student Member-At-Large*
* Not affiliated with a chapter.

TOP NAWIC Phoenix Chapter #98